Friday, December 31, 2010

Simple Tips for Sensible Resolutions

As we prepare to say good bye to 2010 and hello to 2011, I
wanted to offer some simple tips for sensible resolutions you
can actually keep!

To begin with, statistics show that approximately 75% of
people do not stick to their resolutions. Why? My personal
opinion is because many of us have too many goals and 
become easily overwhelmed with the task of trying to
complete all of them at once, or at best, in rapid succession
without proper planning. Thus, we become easily discouraged
at our lack of progress and in the end there is no progress at
all. Or, we see so very little results our goals remain unfilled.

But, not to worry! I have created some easy tips that can help
you create a winning strategy that will have you saying "I can
do it!" in 2011 and beyond:)

Tip # 1: No long lists! Though most of us are visual by nature,
(hence, our reason for writing lists to begin with) writing a long
list of New Year's resolutions can leave you feeling overwhelmed
and exhausted before you've even begun to attempt any of your
goals. Sooooo, no lists! Instead, write out each resolution 
(I suggest no more than 5) on a 3x5 card with just a few "bullets"
to give you some guidelines in accomplishing your goals, and
then place each one in a corresponding labeled and numbered
envelope. I like continuity, so, I chose to label both the outside
and inside the same way. Being so visual myself, it helps me
stay focused, actually. Below, is my example:

Outside of envelope labeled:
Goal #1 Office Filing

Inside 3x5 card labeled:
Goal #1 Office Filing
  • Set timer for 20 minutes
  • Stick to timer
  • Color code files
  • Shred

Tip #2: Make your goals simple. I'm convinced that small
goals are achievable goals. And once you've completed even
the most mundane resolutions (i.e., my filing example) it gives
you the confidence to move on to bigger more challenging

Tip #3: Set a time limit.  I know some say there are pros and cons
of giving yourself a length of time to get a particular goal accomplished, 
but, I believe you can work better when you have something you are
actually working towards. For example, if one of your New Year's
resolution's is to lose 20 pounds, create a sensible time frame in
which you can do this (i.e., 6 months) as opposed to simply saying 
you'll lose 20 pounds "sometime this year." Having a time frame to
work within can give you the inspiration and motivation you need
to be successful. Once you've accomplished this goal, or any other,

place a check mark on the outside of the envelope and file it away
marked....successful! Of course, if you would like to continue with
your winning ways, keep referring back to your "goal cards" as a
form of inspiration and accountability:)  

Tip #4: Have a buddy system.  Ultimately, you are responsible
for yourself. Your achievements and successes should not be
contingent upon whether or not you have a buddy system in place.
However, having a support network doesn't hurt and can help
create a positive atmosphere for both of you as you work towards
your accomplishments, encouraging one another along the way.

Tip #5: You're only human. Despite our best intentions, sometimes
we fall short of our "exact goals." Maybe, for example, you wanted
to walk as a form of exercise 4-5 times a week as part of your
weight-loss goal, but, instead are only able to do 2-3 times a week.
Rather than beat yourself up over what you aren't doing, focus on
what you are doing. It is so easy to get caught up in the hype and
excitement of making New Year's resolutions, we sometimes forget
to give ourselves permission to make a mistake or even backslide
at times. And that's o.k.. After all, you're only human:)

I hope these tips will be of some use to you as you sit down, if you
haven't already, and decide what goals are important to you in 2011.
Is it better health? Stronger relationships? Saving more money? No
matter what it is, with a little bit of focus, determination, and faith, I
believe you can accomplish anything you want to in the coming year!

So, Many blessings to you all in 2011! May it be filled with miracles,
amazing opportunities, lessons, growth and personal goals you see
come to fruition!

Have a magical, mystical-filled day, my friends and see YOU in 2011!

In love-n-light.....


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